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Initiatic Degrees of the Order

Initiatic Degrees of the Order

Initiatic Degrees of the Order - Priory of Sion

      Supreme and Mystic Quadrumvirate Sovereign and enlightened of the Priory of Sion


              Grand Master, Nautonnier de l'Ordre, Prieur, Ormus, Magnificient Sovereign 10°


                                  Seneschal and Great Mystical and Arcane Guardian 9°



     Most high regent and enlightened Council of the Order of Lys and of the Order of Sion


                                                          Order of the Lily


                    Sublime and Perfect Doge of the Order of the Lily and of the Order of Sion


                         lllustrious Constable of the Order of Sion and the of Order of the Lily


                                Grand Commandeur de l'Ordre de Sion et de l'Ordre du Lys 6°


                                 Chevalier Grand Commandeur consacrèe à l'Ordre du Lys 5°


                                         Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lys et de l'Ordre de Sion 4°




                                                        ORDER OF THE TEMPLE


                                                    Noble Croisé of the Order of Sion


                                                        Vaillant of the Order of Sion 2°


                                              Valiant Ecuyer of the Order of the Temple 1°