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"Commemoration of the centenary of the death of Abbot Bérenger Saunière"

"Commemoration of the centenary of the death of Abbot Bérenger Saunière" - Priory of Sion

Saturday 21 and Sunday 22, 2017, will have place the cultural and artistic event


"Commemoration of the centenary of the death of Abbot Bérenger Saunière"


Sponsored by


- Association Terre de Rhedae

- La Gazette de Rennes-le-Château (http://www.portail-rennes-le-chateau.com Site Web - Page Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GazetteDeRennesLeChateau/?pnref=lhc)

- Légendes d'Oc

- Le Jardin de Marie

- Le Musée domaine de l'Abbée Saunière


Germain Blanc-Delmas

Jean Brunelin

Christian Doumergue

Jean-Michel Pous

Michel Vallet (alias Pierre Jarnac)


We wish to emphasize the value and the absolute uniqueness of this event, organized and implemented by some of the cultural associations, writers, artists and historians more prepared and referenced on the subject of Rennes le Château.


This absolutely outstanding team, will put at your disposal all their knowledge about Rennes le Chateau and Berenger Sauniere, using their talent, their art and their knowledge, in a cultural event which is historic for its importance; the event will take place into two days.


It will take place also a dinner at the Villa Béthanie and a theaterelized guided tour of high artistic and cultural level.


The Program will be articulated as follows


Saturday, January 21 14:30 - Conference about Abbot Sauniere - his life and his legacy (free enter)

Saturday, January 21 at 19:30 - Dinner - "a la table de l'Abbé" (cost of 25 euros - all inclusive)

RESERVATION REQUIRED BY JANUARY 12, BY CALLING OR BY e-mail TO tourisme@legendes-doc.com

Sunday, January 22 - 14.00 Guided tour dramatized - (cost 10 Euro) - Reservations required at or by e-mail to tourisme@legendes-doc.com

Sunday, January 22 - 14.00 – Friendly Tribute




The direct Link to the event's page on "La Gazette de Rennes-le-Château"



"Darcus, The Monk Warrior" - the Comic

"Darcus, The Monk Warrior" - the Comic - Priory of Sion

Thanks to the kind and generous concession of Marco Ballò (drawings), Luigi Serra (screenplay) and Count and Baron Costantino Mazzanobile D'Aragona (subject), we have the privilege of being able to freely distribute the comic "Darcus - The Monk Warrior"

It's actually having place a negotiation to shoot a film and create a videogame on Darcus, which we'll keep informed the public through this channel.

The Comic can be already downloaded for free through this PDF.



At the light of the historical and heraldic research, referring to official literature sources and accredited by authoritative heraldic institutions, say, the Mazzanobile family, appears to have been one of the most ancient and noble families of the Kingdom of Aragona.


Jerónimo Street Zurita y Castro, says - that in the year 1096, during the Kingdom of Don Pietro's, took place a great battle against the Moors called the Battle of Alcoraz; attended by many knights, among others, a valiant knight, named Darcus Mazzanobile of Spain.


The bloody battle of Alcoraz, sees opposing the Crown of Aragon, committed to recapture the territory against the Moors, who occupied most of the iberian peninsula. After various uncertain and bloody events of the war, with almost defeated the Aragonesians, suddenly interjected the noble Darcus Mazzanobile, dressed in white and with a large red cross, blazing in the chest, followed by eight hundred valiant soldiers of Gascony, armed to the teeth with swords and iron maces, overturned the fate of the war and succeeded in conquering the city of Huesca, a few kilometers from Barcelona.


It ties between history and legend, the origin of the Sardinian Flag, some scholars speculate that the coat of arms of Sardinia, is derived from the battle of Alcoraz, because of the four severed heads of four Muslim rulers with the turban on his head. The story goes that Darcus, brought to the king of Aragona the heads of Muslims, becoming part of the coat of arms of Aragona.


This symbol has come to this day, as the current flag and symbol of Sardinia and banner of the four Moors.



Count Baron Constantine Mazzanobile D'Aragona, interviewed about the history of his ancestor, says:


"I am pleased with the noble deeds of my ancestor Darcus Mazzanobile the Servant of God, monk-warrior, Apostle of Christ who has contributed in giving the flag of the Four Moors, the flag and symbol of Sardinia"

"Qui suis-je" the Biography of Pierre Plantard

"Qui suis-je" the Biography of Pierre Plantard - Priory of Sion

                                                      The biography of Arnaud de l'Estoile


Arnaud de l'Estoile is an historian and a writer, member of the Société des gens de lettres (SGDL), born in 1966, graduated at the Sorbonne and at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, he is considered an undisputed authority in the field of contemporary history, esotericism and on the knowledge of the occult sciences and secret societies, also at the regard of their history.


Born in France, in August 13, 1966, in Vernon, he studied at the Lycée Saint-Adjutor, to continue with an academic career in Paris.


Next, he will graduate at the Sorbonne in 1989 in Modern and Contemporary History, as at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Paris the following year.


In December 1993 he will begin to work for the City of Paris, as historian, for the management, the care and the renovation of the commemorative plaques, heritage of the Second World War, for the fiftieth anniversary of the Liberation of Paris, in August 1994.


He will continue to work as Executive for the Department of Cultural Affairs and as Secretary of the Standing Committee of the statues.


The literary contribution is illustrious, with his precious and unreleased literary works treating deeply the story and the characters of the modern protagonists of the occult, a true researcher who has given birth to numerous publications including biographies of the major occultists of the late nineteenth century, as Eliphas Levi, Stanislas de Guaita, and Péladan or Papus.


His recent research on the Hermetic Tradition involves both the historical aspects as the operative occultism, treating the magical practice, the Kabbalah and Alchemy.


Arnaud de l'Estoile is the first biographer of Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair, in addition of being currently one of the greatest literary authorities for what concerns the works written till today on the Priory of Sion.

Accademia Internazionale delle Scienze Naturali

Accademia Internazionale delle Scienze Naturali - Priory of Sion

In June 2014, borns the International Academy of Natural Sciences, with the aim of giving a thorough knowledge in all areas of personal growth, thanks to the contribution of an exceptional team composed of specialists in various branches of medicine, naturopath with national diploma released by CSEN, recognized from the following italian Institutions : Ministero del Lavoro, Ministero delle Politiche Sociali, Ministero degli Interni, Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca M.I.U.R. and by C.O.N.I.


The academy promotes free conferences on natural medicine for everyone, holistic courses, including a special course to become educators for the recovery of the visual field of the various missing optical diopter, massage courses, including hot-stone (stones hot), lymphatic drainage, deep tissue, relaxing, facial massage and head massage with roses and sports massage.


Courses on the recognition of medicinal herbs, vegetarian cooking classes, crystal therapy, foot reflexology, even headset, reiki, metamorphic technique, crystal angels, family constellations, the reconnection, courses of Bach flowers, Australian flowers, aloe therapy, wellness, more and various other disciplines.


Many holistic courses offered by the noted academy have the recognition of CSEN thus in an official manner by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Interior with the National Certificate issue prior to final evaluation examination of skills acquired with the subsequent approval of the national diploma recognized by the institutions.


Possibility credits ECP, with official certification of skills acquired by holistic practitioners through SICOL.


The academy is also involved in scientific research in collaboration with numerous medical and scientific academic institutions including international world-class. All guided by scrupulous and careful direction of the President and Director of Studies Prof. Costantino Mazzanobile D'Aragona natural health teacher, naturopath with Level 3 National Diploma (highest level), recognized by institutions, researchers and medical-science writer, medical manager, international lecturer, medical director of the scientific online journal http://www.comeviversani.com/ member of the worldwide scientific committee of longevity, member of the Harvard Medical School, USA, and of the New York University hospital medical center USA.


List of Italian hospitals that uses those natural medical devices


San Camillo di Treviso

Ca 'Foncello Treviso

Policlinico of Modena

Policlinico Umberto I in Rome

Sant'Andrea in Rome

Policlinico di Rimini, Riccione, Palermo, Udine, Syracuse, Verona

Castelfranco Veneto Hospital

Hospital at the Angel of Mestre Hospital



Costantino Mazzanobile D'Aragona




(+39) 348-51.31.582


(+39) 392-75.90.296







